Everyday Colour - Practical ways to use colour for your health and wellbeing.
This week’s blog covers more details about my new online course, which starts on Wednesday 7th September 2022. It is called Everyday Colour and it will teach you how to use colour to improve your wellbeing. It will be from 7pm - 9pm and will run for 4 consecutive weeks (7th, 14th, 21st and 28th September). If you are unable to attend any of those weeks, I am recording the sessions, which I can then send to you afterwards.
How did I become interested in colour?
I became interested in colour around 2004 and completed an accredited chromotherapy course to become a colour therapist. Back in those days, I would use a huge lamp to which I added different filters to change the colour shining on my clients. As well as using colour in my therapies, I used to teach a Colour Therapy Course, which students really benefited from and greatly enjoyed.
Last year, I decided to deepen my understanding of colour and completed an Accredited Diploma Course for Colour Reflexology. This has allowed me to learn more about the many ways we can use colour to improve health and wellbeing. Now I use a small coloured torch wand during treatments, which amplifies the colour by projecting it through a quartz crystal. I find that by using the relevant colour and the complimentary colour when giving a reflexology treatment, it can speed up the healing process significantly.
I am not going to go into too many details about colour in this blog because I want you to be able to experience the colours during the course. Particularly their characteristics (both mental and physical), their complimentary colours, and how they can help improve your wellbeing and everyday common ailments. Colour is all around us - we see it, we wear it, we eat it and we breathe it in. And there are modern day light treatments using colour today, even in the NHS.
What will we be covering on the Everyday Colour course?
Each week, we will do a brand new guided meditation:
The first one is called Rainbow Colours.
This meditation is to help you balance and reduce stress in your body by using the rainbow colours.
The second one is called The Inner Story.
This is going to take us on a colour journey to look at a specific time of your life. This will help you to start to put into place changes you may wish to make in order to get you there.
The third meditation is called Making a Change in your Life
This is surprisingly powerful. It is very good for learning visualisation techniques and working with your subconscious.
The fourth and final one is called Creating your own Healing Room.
This will give you the skills to learn to visualise ways to keep you physically healthy, reduce stress and anxiety, and will be totally unique to you.
Creating Mandalas to see the inner you
Another key part of this course will be using mandalas, which are circular pictures to help you to focus on your inner self. Each week after the meditations, you will have time to create a colourful mandala of your own, using colouring pencils, felt tips or crayons and a piece of paper. You can fill your mandala with signs, symbols, pictures, shapes, squiggles, words… Whatever you want. We will use these mandalas as a mirror to reflect your inner self, so you can track the changes that take place over the length of the course.
This is a journey I have already taken and I can’t tell you how excited I am to pass on information so that you can start making the changes towards creating a better life. My physical health changed and my mental health (particularly anxiety) has improved tenfold.
It will make you think about home decoration, the clothes you are wearing and the foods that you eat, so that your physical health and mental wellbeing will benefit from your understanding of colour. In turn, this will give you an ability to choose particular colours to bring you and your family into a harmonious state. The meditations/visualisations will help to bring your whole body back into balance, and assist you to start making positive changes into your life. The mandalas you create will help you to focus into your inner self (and are surprisingly revealing!).
It is such a fun course and I hope you will come along.
If you would like to book onto this course, please email or message me to book your place as soon as possible, even if you don’t pay until nearer the start date.
The cost is very affordable at £10 per week if you wish to pay weekly or £30 for the 4 weeks if you pay the whole amount upfront.
The dates are 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th September 2022 on Zoom.
My email is pennywilcoxserenity@gmail.com and my mobile number is 07795 817 988.